The Coalition of Southern States is just getting started by some good people. You can read about me in the about me section. It is not so much in response to the 2012 election but from the outcry both in the past and that of now at the slow demise of American culture, language and borders. People are disdained and disheartened by actions that have been taken and by the actions that will be taken to slowly weaken the Union both economically, socially and militarily.
We are divided now more than ever. The RED line has been drawn, not by us, but by those we sent into office and betrayed us. Now it is time to push back. It is time take back what is rightfully ours...LIBERTY. It is time to take back the country our founding fathers died for.
Washington is not listening. It is business as usual. Yes there have been other movements and there will be many more. The one thing they lack is heart. They Lack a common sense approach. They are the same players dressed in different clothes calling themselves different names. This is where the people can voice their ideas, our strengths and our weaknesses. This is where where the beginning starts.
The Coalition of Southern States is a common sense, constitutional approach to everything that matters to us in pretty much every aspect of our lives.
We are a movement that believes in the Constitution
We are a movement that believes and holds onto family values.
We are a movement of hard workers that deserve to keep what they earn.
We are a movement that believes in the free market.
We are a movement that believes in capitalism.
We are a movement of true Americans, maybe conservatives and libertarians or a combination of both.
We are a movement of individuals and families that are concerned for our brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, children and neighbor.
We are a movement against the illegal invasion of our country that our government turns a blind eye to.
We are a movement that believes in laws to the extent it protects our persons and property and country.
We are a movement that believes in Peace through Strength.
We are a movement that believes in a closed and strong border.
We are a movement of AMERICANS, not white, black, Hispanic or Asian or Latino. We are not demographics or numbers.
We are a movement that helps our neighbors because we want to not because the government steals from us to do so.
We are a movement that believes in a strong military and support our troops, their families and veterans.
As you notice from the statements above, that is a constitutional common sense approach to our ideals and values. There are many more I could list and feel free to list what you believe in but keep in mind what this movement is about. I don't want us to get caught in the trap of being fringe or pot smoking hippies. I want to be taken seriously. We don't really care what people think but unfortunately sometimes we have to in order to get the point across.
In order for this to take shape and form, I need your help, your ideas, your feelings, I need you! Do not be afraid to post how you feel, what has you bothered or an idea for this blog. I am as fed up as you are and sometimes emotions cloud the thinking process.
We all need to read and reread and know the Constitution. I will post snippets of the constitution at times to discuss and figure out where and why it is being betrayed.
If we stand together, if we help one another, if we encourage one another, only then can real change begin. Real change needs to happen at the state level. States need their sovereignty back and build a coalition to stand up against the coercion and infringement by the federal government. We are the states and we are the people.
When you post, please include your state under your name or alias.
Raul Ramirez
Coalition of Southern States, Founder